New Maker in Residence: Cameron Knox — Maker Works

New Maker in Residence: Cameron Knox

Welcome our new Maker in Residence to the Maker Works Community! Cameron Knox will be working out of the shop through late July and will be holding a series of sessions for members on the filmmaking process.

Read his artist statement below and be sure to introduce yourself when you see him in the shop!

"I am a local who has been a part of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, North America’s longest-standing experimental film festival, for the past 11 years. I have been involved with the festival as a screener, committee member, and an ever-enthusiastic audience member. My project at Maker Works, a 60 second short-film, aims to explore the magnitude and brevity of the human gene through a novel animation style made possible by the plethora of tools available at Maker Works. 

While I am interested in completing the film, I’m mainly looking forward to showing members the process of making a film at Maker Works. If you see me around, please feel free to say hi!"

Much appreciation to Zingerman's Mail Order for their generous support of our Maker in Residence program!
